
20 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

My Christmas dream

Hello everyone!

Back with you today, to share a really wintery layout, which speaks of my Christmas dream:
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas... just like the ones I never had (in Southern Greece where I live, we see snow only on the peaks of the mountain range)!

So like I have said in the past, the best way to imitate snow is to use Ayeeda gesso.
And this is what I did in the following page:

The Cosy Evening collection is of course the no.1 choice for winter-themed layouts so I used the Christmas Eve paper as a background.

Being a mixed-media/ink/paste girl, I could not do without my Ayeeda mists and paints!!!

As you can see, there's modelling paste and gesso everywhere around and on my cluster!! I also added splatters of ink!

Products used:

I hope you like my page!  

3 σχόλια:

  1. Hola Melenia!!!, Quiero decirte que me encanta todo tu trabajo!!!, eres para mi una inspiración y una gran ayudas mucho viendo tus trabajos y aprendo mucho con ellos. Enhorabuena por ser como eres...Un fuerte abrazo.

  2. I'm in love with this page Melenia! It's just really, really amazing how you use all those 13arts products to create this wonderful page. And the attention to the little details and textures is just fabulous!


Thanks for taking the time to leave a warm comment here!